International Sculpture Conference Panel, Oct 13, 2023

Panel Moderator: Mrinalini Aggarwal - Crit Lab Fellow

Speakers: Patricia Miranda, Crit Lab artists gwen charles and Laura Reeder

What a thrill and honor to see the power of the Crit Lab community! Our panel was thoughtful, dense, inquisitive, and full of considerations of care. Thank you to Mrin Aggarwal for conceiving of this panel and for bringing us together. There will be fruits from this collaboration- stay tuned.

The video is available by the link here- we recorded this ourselves so it is homespun but heartfelt. Thanks to gwen charles for her tech work to make this recording happen and Laura Reeder for sound.
Panel Discussion: Locating Ourselves in Land-based Art / Materiality, Temporality and Subjectivity in Contemporary Feminist Environmental Art